Kick your shoes off, sit back and relax!

Monday, January 23, 2012


HI there, Don't you love those moments like I had today when everything feels just right? the washing is getting done,when you look in the fridge dinner ideas shout at you instead of a moldy old carrot saying rescue me- marry me up with that suspect looking other veg and that half of tub of  you don't know what to do with creme fraiche.. Your hair looks kind of decent at the very best clean, you've manged to clean the toilet which means  at least once theres a small chance of not sitting on a toilet seat sprinkled with urine and your teenage son has his first girlfriend waiiiiiiiittttttt yep thats right my  14 year old son Bailey has a girl friend eeeeekkkkkk!

This was the first poem I wrote for Andrew my husband when we were young  and inl ove at the very same school that Bailey is in now!

My heart missed a beat at every galnce
I didn't want to blink incase I missed my chance
I imagined his sofe skin against mine
one wish, one dream I'm running out of time
I want to hold his hand tight 
and love him with all my heart felt might
my eyelashes fluttered around his
like two lovebirds in a confused tis
I walked forward, glanced back
i'm so confused my heart under attack
I need him, want his love
set it free like a captured dove
yes he's the one for me
I've got the lock he must have the key
and through the clearing mist 
its not hard to see
he's got the love thats meant for me.

I clearly remember writing this and nervously giving this to Andrew and then rushing away, I remember watching him reading it form afar and  fondly listen as he recalls this reduced him to tears, Just 15 and me 16 and already we'd found someone whom we'd grow up with .

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